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SubRoutines vs. Functions Part 1 : When, where and how

First I will define the subroutine (will be referred to as a sub from now on) and the function. Then I will give examples and discuss when and where to use each.

Sub - A group of lines of code in a program that performs a specific task. A sub does not return a value.

Function - A group of lines of code in a program that performs a specific task. A function returns a value.

How to declare/write each:

Sub NameOfSubRoutine(parameter1, parameter2)
    'some code...
End Sub


Sub CheckForSpaces(x)
    If InStr(x," ") > 0 Then
        Response.Write("Contains space(s)...")
        Response.Write("Does not contain space(s)...")
    End If
End Function

Function NameOfFunction(parameter1, parameter2)
    'some code
    NameOfFunction = "return value"
End Function

NOTE: To return a value from a function, set the value you want to return equal to the name of the function.


Function CheckForSpaces(x)
    If InStr(x," ") > 0 Then
        CheckForSpaces = true
        CheckForSpaces = false
    End If
End Function

     In the above examples I define a sub and function that check a passed in string for a space. The difference between the two is that in the sub if a space is found I write out the result and in the function I set a variable equal to the result.

When to use each...

     Sub... an example of when to use a sub over a function is when you are just executing some code and do not want to return a value. You might use this when you are displaying a form or running a large group of code.

     Function... an example of when to use a function over a sub is when you want to run some code and then return back to your program the result of the function. You might use this when you are checking to see if a specific condition is met and need to let another part of your program know the result.