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Custom Php settings Articles

If you need to change the default php settings the server is running on, you can using a .user.ini (this exact name, don't change it) file within your webroot.

First if you don't already create a php info script, call it info.php




Add the code listed above and browse to it at (place it inside webroot).  It will show you the version you are on, if you need to change, you can use this article to switch versions via your web.config.

Viewing the info page you will see local and master.  Master is the server defaults, local is whatever you change it to that only effects your own account

The file manager can't open/edit a .ini file so first name it user.ini.txt (as flash is being discontinued, until we get an alternative setup, you will need to use ftp to download the file, edit it, then upload it

This allows you to edit it

These settings set here as you can see change the local value for max filesize to upload to 430 from 2mb.

Save the .user.ini to remove the .txt and then waiting for IIS to recycle which upon testing and running a timer, looks to be ~ 4.5 minutes for it to see the new file and reflect on the info script page. If its taking longer then that, we can manually recycle it on the server