Brinkster Knowledge Base

UI Overview Articles
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Brinkster Cloud Services has a user interface (UI) that is designed to be simple and intuitive to use, whilst retaining flexibility. It is divided into pages, which are subdivided into tabs. Tabs contain widgets, which display information and allow you to manage resources.

To familiarize yourself with the UI of Brinkster Cloud Services, see the diagrams attached and sections below:


Pages are used to group and organize tabs by function. Some pages may be hidden if you do not have permission to view them. Hidden pages commonly include the System and Admin pages. For details a summary of the information displayed on each page, see the table below:

SystemThe System page is available to the licensee's administrator users. It allows you to view and manage the physical resources used to create your platform. You can also check whether virtual machines are running or not from this page.
AdminThe Admin page is available to billing entity administrator users. It allows you to manage customers, billing, Products and Product Offers, and the virtual resources that are available to users.
ResourcesThe Resources page allows users of the platform to view and manage the virtual resources they require.
ReportsThe Reports page gives you access to a series of reports about the platform and its usage. Each of these reports has different ways of displaying the information and filtering. For information about the available reports, see Reports Page.
SettingsThe Settings page allows you to view and edit the details of your user account. For more information, see the Settings article.
BillingThe Billing page allows you to view your unit balance and usage, and to buy more units if required. For more information, see the article on Viewing and Managing Billing Information.
SupportThe Support page provides access to the support channel of the billing entity or licensee. This page is only displayed if it has been set up by configuring the control panel options when managing a billing entity. For more information, see Managing a Billing Entity. (edit link)


Tabs are used to organize widgets, which display information and allow you to perform certain tasks. The available tabs are displayed below the header bar. Tabs can be added, deleted, renamed, or repositioned if required. For more information, see the article on Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Tabs.


Widgets display information about the status of resources, jobs, and units. They can also be used to manage resources, jobs, and units. The available widgets depend on which page is currently displayed.

More widgets can be added if required. For information on how to add, modify, and delete widgets, see the article on Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Widgets.


Dialogs show information about resources and are displayed when creating or managing resources.

They contain sections which display more information about the resource being created or managed, and allow you to perform actions related to the resource, for example applying firewall rules to a server. To expand a section, click on it.

As some resources are related to each other, for example images and servers, you can navigate between dialogs by clicking links in the Summary section.

To return to a previous dialog, click the required breadcrumb below the widget header bar.