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How do I send an email with ASP.NET 1.1 Articles
To send email via your ASP.Net pages, you can mimic the following code samples. Alternatively, you can go to for some information on using System.Web.Mail.

Special Note
Be sure to make the following changes when using these coding examples:
1. Replace with a valid Brinkster hosted domain name.
2. Replace with a valid Brinkster hosted email account.
3. Replace password with the password for the email account used above.
4. Replace with a valid email account.

**Your FROM address must be the same as the email address you authenticate with.**


<%@ Page language="VB" %>


Dim oMessage As New System.Web.Mail.MailMessage()


oMessage.To = ""

oMessage.From = ""

oMessage.Subject = "Test message sent using System.Web.Mail"

oMessage.Body = "This is a test message."

oMessage.Fields.Item("") = 2

oMessage.Fields.Item("") = ""

oMessage.Fields.Item("") = ""

oMessage.Fields.Item("") = "password"

oMessage.Fields.Item("") = 1

System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""




      Response.Write("Email sent!")

Catch Ex As Exception

      Response.Write("Unable to send mail!  " & Ex.Message)

End Try



<%@ Page language="C#" %>

<%@ IMPORT namespace="System.Web.Mail" %>


      MailMessage oMessage = new MailMessage();

      oMessage.To = "";

      oMessage.From = "";

      oMessage.Subject = "Test message sent using System.Web.Mail";

      oMessage.Body = "This is a test message.";

      oMessage.Fields[""] = 2;

      oMessage.Fields[""] = "";

      oMessage.Fields[""] = "";

      oMessage.Fields[""] = "password";

      oMessage.Fields[""] = 1;

      System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "";





            Response.Write("Email sent!");


      catch (Exception Ex)


            Response.Write("Unable to send mail! " + Ex.Message);




<%@ Page language="VB" %>


        Dim CDOSYSMsg As Object

        Dim Config As Object

        Dim Fields As Object


        ' Create the objects

        CDOSYSMsg = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")

        Config = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

        Fields = Config.Fields


        With Fields

            .Item("") = 2

            .Item("") = ""

            .Item("") = ""

            .Item("") = "password"

            .Item("") = 1


        End With


        CDOSYSMsg.Configuration = Config

        CDOSYSMsg.To = ""

        CDOSYSMsg.From = ""

        CDOSYSMsg.ReplyTo = ""

        CDOSYSMsg.Subject = "Test message sent using the CDOSYS component"

        CDOSYSMsg.TextBody = "This is a test message."



        CDOSYSMsg = Nothing

        Config = Nothing

        Fields = Nothing



<%@ Page language="VB" %>


Dim MyMail as object

MyMail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")

MyMail.Host = ""

MyMail.body = "This is a test message."

MyMail.IsHTML = True

MyMail.From = ""

MyMail.Username = ""

MyMail.Password = "password"

MyMail.AddAddress ("")

MyMail.Subject = "Test message sent using the ASPEmail component"


If MyMail.Send Then

     Response.Write("Message Sent")


     Response.Write("Message Not Sent")

End If

MyMail = Nothing


IPWorks Mail

<%@Page aspcompat=true %>


Dim IPWorks As Object


IPWorks = Server.CreateObject("IPWorksASP.Smtp")

IPWorks.MailServer = ""

IPWorks.MailPort = 25

IPWorks.User = ""

IPWorks.Password = "password"

IPWorks.From = ""

IPWorks.SendTo = ""

IPWorks.Subject = "Test message sent using the IPWorks Mail component"

IPWorks.MessageText = "Testing with a message."



IPWorks = Nothing



<%@ Page language="VB" %>


Dim JMail as Object


JMail = Server.CreateOBject( "JMail.Message" )


JMail.MailServerUserName = ""

JMail.MailServerPassword = "password"

JMail.From = ""

JMail.AddRecipient ("")

JMail.Subject = "Test message sent using the JMail component"

JMail.Body = "This is a test message."


If  JMail.Send("" ) Then

Response.Write("Message sent using Dimac JMail.<BR><BR>")


Response.Write("Message not sent using Dimac JMail.<BR><BR>")

End If


JMail = Nothing
