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Supported Email Components - Linux Hosting Articles
The samples below show how to send email from a Brinkster hosted web site through the supported email components.

Special Note
Be sure to make the following changes when using these coding examples:
1. Replace servername with the server name your site is hosted on.
2. Replace username with your Brinkster account username.
3. Replace with a valid Brinkster hosted domain name.
4. Replace with a valid Brinkster hosted email account.
5. Replace password with the password for the email account used above.
6. Replace with a valid email account.

**Your FROM address must be the same as the email address you authenticate with.**






$mail = new PHPMailer();



$mail->Host = "";

$mail->SMTPAuth = true;

$mail->Username = "";

$mail->Password = "password";


$mail->From = "";

$mail->FromName = "Your Name";

$mail->AddAddress("", "Display Name");




$mail->Subject = "Test message sent using the PHPMailer component";

$mail->Body    = "This is a test message.";




   echo "Message could not be sent. <p>";

   echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;




echo "Message has been sent";
