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How do I send an email with ASP Articles
The samples below show how to send email from a Brinkster hosted web site through the supported email components.

Special Note
Be sure to make the following changes when using these coding examples:
1. Replace with a valid Brinkster hosted email account.
2. Replace password with the password for the email account used above.
3. Replace with a valid email account.

**Your FROM address must be the same as the email address you authenticate with.** 



Set objEmail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")


objEmail.Username = ""

objEmail.Password = "password"

objEmail.Host = ""

objEmail.From = ""

objEmail.AddAddress ""

objEmail.Subject = "Test message sent using the ASPEMail component"

objEmail.Body = "This is a test message."



Set objEmail = Nothing




Dim objEmail

Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")


objEmail.From = ""

objEmail.ReplyTo = ""

objEmail.To = ""

objEmail.Subject = "Test message sent using the CDOSYS component"

objEmail.TextBody  = "This is a test message."

With objEmail.Configuration.Fields

            .Item("") = 2

            .Item("") = ""

            .Item("") = ""

            .Item("") = "password"

             .Item("") = 1

            .Item("") = 25


End With



Set objEmail = Nothing


IPWorks Mail:


Dim objEmail

Set objEmail = Server.CreateObject("IPWorksASP.Smtp")


objEmail.User = ""

objEmail.Password = "password"

objEmail.MailServer = ""

objEmail.From = ""

objEmail.SendTo = ""

objEmail.Subject = "Test message sent using the IPWorks component"

objEmail.MessageText = "This is a test message."

objEmail.MailPort = 25



Set objEmail = Nothing




Dim objEmail

Set objEmail = Server.CreateOBject( "JMail.Message" )

objEmail.MailServerUserName = ""

objEmail.MailServerPassword = "password"

objEmail.From = ""

objEmail.ReplyTo = ""

objEmail.AddRecipient ""

objEmail.Subject = "Test message sent using the Jmail component"

objEmail.Body = "This is a test message."



Set objEmail = Nothing


Below is a mail sample that includes a form. Simply copy and paste this into an ASP page, and make the appropriate edits to the mail server, email address, and password.


posted = request.form ("submit")

if posted = "Submit" then



'' Customize the following 5 lines with your own information. ''


vtoaddress = "" ' Change this to the email address you will be receiving your notices.

vmailhost = ""  ' Change this to mail.yourDomain or leave as is.

vfromaddress = "" ' Change this to the email address you will use to send and authenticate with.

vfrompwd = "password" ' Change this to the above email addresses password.

vsubject = "ASP Contact Form" 'Change this to your own email message subject.





vfromname = request.form ("TName")

vbody = request.form ("TBody")

vrplyto = request.form ("TEmail")

vmsgbody = vfromname &"<br>"& vrplyto &"<br>"& vbody


Set objEmail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")


objEmail.Username = vfromaddress

objEmail.Password = vfrompwd

objEmail.Host = vmailhost

objEmail.From = vfromaddress

objEmail.AddAddress vtoaddress

objEmail.Subject = vsubject

objEmail.Body = vmsgbody

objEmail.IsHTML = True


vErr = Err.Description
if vErr <> "" then
    response.write vErr & "<br><br>There was an error on this page."
    response.write "Thank you, your message has been sent."
End If

Set objEmail = Nothing
end if




<form name="SendEmail01" method="post">

<table border=0>



            <td><input type="text" name="TName" size="30"></td>




            <td><input type="text" name="TEmail" size="30"></td>




            <td><textarea rows="4" name="TBody" cols="30"></textarea></td>



            <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td>


