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PHP call out to cgi-script example Articles

$data = file_get_contents("",0);
echo $data;

C Source Code:

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>


time_t t;

printf ("Content-type: text/html");
printf ("\n");
printf ("\n");
printf ("<html>");
printf ("<head>");
printf ("<title>Test</title>");
printf ("</head>");
printf ("<body>");
printf ("Seconds: ");
printf ("The current Date and Time is: %s", ctime(&t));
printf ("\n");
printf ("</body>");
printf ("</html>");

Items to note:  The C code was compiled and tested using GCC, however it should compile with just about any standard C compiler.  Also, on Pro and Advanced Brinkster Shared Linux accounts the example C code can be compiled using GCC and put into the cgi-bin directory with file permissions of 750.  The compiled C code should be renamed with a .cgi extension and put into the user's cgi-bin.  The php script should be uploaded to the public_html folder in the same manner as any other php script on Brinkster's servers.  To confirm it is working browse to the location the example php script was uploaded to (