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How do I create an email account Articles
What is an email account?
Brinkster provides business Premium Email at any custom domain; which includes access through POP3, IMAP, SMTP, and Webmail. All mailboxes include inbound and outbound Premium Cloudmark spam filtering, virus filtering, malware filtering, Radware's All-In-Once Cyber Attack protection, and are managed from a Cloud Based Infrastructure.

How do I create an email account?
Login to your Brinkster account at the top right corner of any Brinkster web page. While inside the Email Manager. Click on the desired domain name. Click "Add Email Account". Choose the desired name and password, choose Business Professional or Premium email features, enable or disable Automated Email backups.

                Business Professional Email -
                        - Synchronize email, calendars, and contacts directly to Outlook, Zimbra Desktop, or
                                any Active-Sync enabled mobile device (iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile)
                        - Supports Online Calendars
                        - Supports IMAP, POP3, SMTP, and Webmail
                        - Built in Spam, Virus, and Malware Filtering
                        - Cyber Attack Protection, Cloud Based Infrastructure.

                Premium Email -
                        - Does NOT support Online Calendars
                        - Supports IMAP, POP3, SMTP, and Webmail
                        - Built in Spam, Virus, and Malware Filtering
                        - Cyber Attack Protection, Cloud Based Infrastructure.

                Automated Email Backups
                        - Automatically backup email accounts
                        - Managed through Brinkster Control Panel / Email Manager
                        - Low $1 or $2 monthly cost compared to a $500 disaster recovery
                        - Read more information about email backups here.

I- Choose the desired domain in list of domains.

II- Click the "Add Email Account" button

III- Fill In the required items, Choose the Email account type and backup plan of your choice, click the "Create Email Account" button.

IV- If editing a pre-existing email account.
        - Adjust the needed items such as
                forward to
                Account Type
                Backup Plan

        - Click on "What is this?" for more information about any specific item.

        - Click the "Save Email Account" button when completed.